We aim for growing together as a whole, through open communication and sincere relations in Has Vida.
As a constantly growing company, we offer our employees the environment and opportunities they need for career development.
We provide rigorous wages and fringe benefits to our employees, in order to make them feel safe at all times.
Has Vida creates a motivating feeling of sincerity in the work environment by always being there for its employees and listening to them wholeheartedly.
Has Vida sees its employees as family, values them and creates an environment where they feel like a part of the whole.
By emphasizing innovation, Has Vida encourages its employees to develop innovative perspectives that will help shape the future of work.
Has Vida always renews itself, contributes to the continuous development of its employees and helps them gain a solid place in the industry.
Has Vida works to make its employees feel safe at all times with its rigorous approach to working conditions, wages and fringe benefits.
Has Vida, where gender equality is ensured in every field, sheds light on the future with its vision and mission. With its structure open to technological innovations, it is making rapid progress on the way to signing more successful works with each passing day and makes you proud to climb the career ladder with confident steps.
Has Vida is always working to become a stronger company. Taking advantage of the latest technology, it takes its R&D studies one step further every day. Our mission is to connect people to life more tightly with strong fasteners.
Has Vida is an innovative company that adds value to its employees. If you have a career goal, there are many opportunities to develop yourself here. Has Vida provides a warm environment to its employees with sincerity and motivation.
Has Vida © 2025. All Rights Reserved.